Saturday, April 19, 2008

What Little Boys bring Home.

What does this look like to you? .... Me Too - A nasty pile of sticks and garbage. But try to tell Max that. He is convinced that this pile of stuff that he found in the yard today is a gold mine of treasure that can not, no.. Should not be touch by any other human hands. It is only by the grace of God that his nanny came over today to take he and Zach to dinner. It was my golden time to dispose of the pile. I did think it was too cute just to though away so this pile of junk will live forever.
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Friday, April 11, 2008

This was my Favorite Photography Moment!

American Bald Eagle 1 mile outside of Town October 25th, 2007 (My Birthday)
I have a good zoom but not that good. This guy let me come pretty close to him. (or Her)
He would move his head back and forth as I walked up right under him.

This was a tense moment. The bird looked right at me and didn't look happy so I backed off. I guess the bald eagle doesn't mind the increasing heat from the snow bound Minnesota.


Aren't you glad that we're so worried about the environment that we are willing to make drastic changes to our manufacturing requirements and totally distroy our economy! Give me a break! Are we really that willing to listen to the lie! Look at these pictures! It's April 11th. 4 inches of snow and that was a very little amount considering most around us got 10 inches. Looking back into recent history it was 1982 when we last got snow like this. I really hope people wake up about this GLOBAL WARMING CRAP!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The race car shirts...

These are the race car shirts. Know why? Not because they have race cars on them or because they say Dale Ernhart Jr., but because they have strips of-course!!! This is our cousin Miles (or Mineals as Max would say) and he and Max both got these shirts for Christmas from Auntie Kay. As soon as they saw the strips they called them their race car shirts. Only two fun loving toddlers would see that. Max and Miles are forever laughing and occationally fighting when they are together. We don't get to see him as often as we would like so when we do get together they make up for lost time!!
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