This night was Zach's overnihgt party that we had to celebrate his birthday. They stayed up all night in the theater room watching movies and eating a pound and a half of Sour Patch Kids. I'm amazed that we made it through.
It's the end of the school year almost and Max and Zach got their school pics from the end of the year. It's pretty incredible how fast they grow. Max is doing great in school, learning his numbers and letters and is already reading and spelling. I can't wait to see how far he goes. Zach has really taken off with reading and loves to get tests back so he can see how he did. Zach has done an incredible job with his memory verses this year and he will be receiving an MP3 player from boys club next week for being able to recite the 24 verses from all year.
Here I find Max sitting on the couch watching TV with the Dog. I see him running his fingers up and down and I asked him, "What are doing Max? to his reply... I strecthing my fingers Dad." I thought it was so funny to see such a misused guesture come out of a boy so innocent as to wonder why Dad might take an interest in this. When he saw me laugh at his finger stretching he said "Dad I can stretch ALL of Them" Oh to be innocent.
Zach was so excited tonight to participate in his first Swim meet. He participated in the Breast Stroke, Free Style, and Back Stroke. He placed 2nd in the Breast Stroke and Third in the others. He was so pumped... I think we have finally found something that Zach will do that doesn't include his butt on a couch! "Just keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming"
Here is another "Global Warming" Update for those of you suckered in the Al Gore retirement book sale fund. We took the boys sledding last week and had a blast. You will happy to know that the temperature was a balmy 14 degrees. Wow, I needed to take my shirt off that day.
Max had his first Wrestling meet a couple of weeks ago and did fairly. He really needs to work on his form and he could be dangerous but as of now he is just muscleing the kids down. It's very fun to watch.